Centre for Child Protection
1. The Context
India is the residence of more than 500 million (40 %) children below the age of 18 years. With an estimated 40 per cent of India’s children vulnerable to violence, abuse, and exploitation, creating protective environment for the children remains a serious concern in India given its feudal and patriarchal roots. This societal milieu brings along with it issues of child protection which become further difficult to deal with, caste and gender base discrimination dimensions. India has high levels of gender discrimination which has resulted in low levels of sex ratio, high incidences of child labour, child marriage, sexual abuse and corporal punishment. In the context of Rajasthan the violation of child protection is evident in the dismal statistics and indicators related to child protection:
• Rajasthan rank 3rd in country in Child Labour (census 2011)
• In Rajasthan more than 50 percent girl getting married below legal age of 18 years in state (DLHS III)
• In Rajasthan more than 50 percent of children reported child abuse (Child Abuse Study 2007)
• 20 point declining in sex ratio in last 10 years in state (census 2011)
• Several manifestation of child protection such as inwards and outward trafficking of children, incidence of corporal punishment, neglect, abandonment of girl child and increasing number of children living on streets and railway terminals etc.
The child is not viewed as an entity that has rights and entitlements by the society. Hence, any discourse around the rights of the child does not get immediate support of the community. A coordinated effort between different departments like women and child, home and social empowerment and justice is required to ensure that there is regular monitoring of implementation of the law. But often this inter departmental coordination is lacking.
The ICPS is now being rolled out in most of the state of India; however, there are still many areas that need strengthening to ensure effective implementation of the scheme at state, district, and sub district levels. At present, the scheme is still in its initial stage of implementation – adequate numbers of qualified and trained personnel are not in place, District Child Protection Units, Block and Panchayat and village level Child protection committee are not fully equipped to respond to protection concerns, and linkages and coordination mechanisms for referral have not been adequately established thus far. In essence, there is lack of established programmes, protocols and processes, and qualified and trained personnel to implement the programmes, to address protection concerns of children. For this reason, while the current thrust at national level is on establishing and strengthening child protection structures – namely, State and District Child Protection Units, and programmes under ICPS, this is a critical juncture at which to inform these processes with innovation.
2. Rational for establishment of ‘Centre for Child Protection’
The efforts for child protection in our country are in a nascent stage with extremely poor understanding about the child protection issue among stakeholders. There is not a single child protection specialized agencies exitant in country that can lead on building the capacity of government officials and civil societies working in the area of Child Protection. Currently there are no academic courses in any university and colleges across country that creates professionals with knowledge and expertise in child protection. None of the social science colleges and university teaches child protection as subject in any ways. On the other hand child protection programming and its implementation would need huge number of professionals skilled in various aspects of child protection issues resulted into huge dearth of people with right set of knowledge and skill in the area of child protection.
In absence of skilled and trained people in the area of child protection, the manifestations of the same reflective in the implementation status of the CP scheme Integrated Child Protection Scheme are several:
• Poor understanding and knowledge about child protection issues resulting into low priorities as well as lack of confidence among stakeholders during dealing with children in need of care and protection
• Overall “know how” capacity gaps among stakeholders
• Poor quality guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures (SoPs) related to CP program
• Less effective and poor quality of CP program implementation status
• More focus on institutional care in absence of clear and specific guidelines and programme related to non-institutional care
• High percentage of child abuse and exploitation in all kind of institutional set up.
• High number and long pendency cases of children under CWC and JJB
• Lack of institutional backup or academician support in the area of child protection resulted in to huge dearth of skilled child protection professionals
Currently National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCID) is nodal is also a nodal agencies for building of ICPS functionaries but with limited staff and presence they have been unsuccessful until now to meet the requirement to country and states. Given the size, context and complexities of the child protection program in our country India and the existenthuman capacity gap, there is need of such an institution which with its national and regional presence can cater to the need, demand and requirement of the child protection issue in the related to following areas:
1. As Academic institution to develop a cadre of skilled professional in the area of child protection and other areas related to children.
2. Institutionalized capacity building program for on job staffs on regular basis specially for SJPU, AHTU, CWC, JJB and various committee members
3. Technical resource group and agencies that facilitate formulation and review act, policy and program and strengthening implementationof the same.
4. Demonstration of workable model under child protection
5. Centralized and high quality capacity building course, program and module
6. Handholding support in drafting rules, guidelines, standards operating procedure (SoPs) and functioning of committee.
As per the below estimate more than 8.2 million stakeholders at different level in country (annexure 1) and 1.1 Million stakeholders in Rajasthan (Annexure) required training and support in addressing the child protection issues with efficient and effective manners. To reach to these stakeholders state and district level highly trained and professional experts will be created by the specialized child protection institute through different kind of short and long terms courses and capacity building programme on regular basis. This nodal institutionwill be responsible for addressing the technical and capacity building related need of the country and state.
3. Key objectives of Centre for Child Protection
1. Act as nodal and technical agency for the strengthening Special Juvenile Police Unit (SJPU) and Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) and other duty bearers.
2. Run and mainstream various courses on issue impacting life of children with focus on child protection.
3. Develop trained and skilled human resources on child protection and child rights issues.
4. Work as knowledge hub and resource agency for child protection and child rights.
5. To interact with information-related, technical, academic and research needs of various groups involved on issues relating to child protection and child rights, whether these are state-sponsored, private sector, media, community groups or others.
6. Provide consulting support and assistance to other agencies and institutions in the area concerning life of children and community.
4. Core Area and key function of the Centre for Child Protection
Core Area of Work
1. Content and course development
2. Training and orientation
3. Information Education Communication (IEC)
4. Research and Documentation
5. Liaison and Advocacy
Key Functions
a. Awareness generation about the different laws, provision, schemes and projects relating to Child Protection and Child Rights;
b. To promote research advocacy and communication that is relevant to policy and issues centered on Child
c. Research and publication- review the existing mechanism, policy and laws of Child Protection and suggestive measures
d. To serve as an active meeting ground, forum and platform of emerging ideas for all groups involved in promoting development and in enhancing realization of children rights particularly Child Protection;
e. To provide para legal, legal support and build awareness for agency and children;
f. Prevention of juvenile delinquencies–with Child Protection actors;
g. Strengthen the existing structures and institution related to child protection;
h. To produce films, undertake research, studies, documentation, and video documentation in order to raise and bring public awareness on Child Protection and child rights issues;
i. To help and facilitate effective implementation of different projects of the Central and State Government for educational and social development of all categories of stakeholders;
j. To prepare and publish papers, articles, booklets, journals, news-letters, bulletins, posters, web pages etc.
k. To organize training, seminars, workshops, conferences, public hearings and such other measures as may be necessary
l. To do all such other deeds and things either alone or in conjunction with others as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the Centre
5. Operational Framework
This Centre has a mandate to carry out technical and multi-disciplinary work that requires engagement of experts and agency working in the area of child protection and child rights.
As the idea has originated in mutual discussion of UNICEF, Police University and IICPS (unit of Antakshari), a tri partite agreement will be worked out clearly defining the roles of the partners to establish this CentreIt is envisaged that core funding support will from UNCIEF to the Police University for the establishment and functioning of the Centre in the initial years, 3 years in minimum.
The Centre will be based at the place identified by Police University and the Police University will provide required infrastructure and facilities to start a functional small office.
UNICEF will support technically in planning and implementation of the activities’ detailed action plan will be worked out.
IICPS –Antakshari Foundation will help in managing the operationalization of the plan and day to day management and coordination. It will carry out all the activities as per the action plan in collaboration with the Police University and be accountable to the envisaged outcomes of the Centre.
The Centre for Child Protection can work in close association with department for Child Rights, Home, Labour, education and other to strengthen the child protection system in state.
Dr. Kanika Panwar Deputy Director Faculty of Sociology. Education Qualification: PhD,NET. Email: kanika@policeuniversity.ac.in |
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Dr.Sheetal Arora Deputy Director Department of Criminology Education Qualification: MSc Criminology (LNJNNICFS), NET-JRF qualified, Ph.D (GGSIPU) Email: sheetalmakhija@policeuniversity.ac.in |
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Shri Himanshu Sharma Administrative officer and DDO Center for child Protection Email: himanshu.sharma@policeuniversity.ac.in |
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Praveen Singh Faculty- Academics & MSW Course Educational Qualification: M.Phil. (Economics), MSW, M.A. (Economics) Email:ccp-academics@policeuniversity.ac.in |
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Bimal Kumar Samantaray Consultant- Online & Offline Courses Educational Qualification: MSW, B.A. Hons. (Education) Email:india.bimal@gmail.com |
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Fahimuddin Consultant- Child Labour Educational Qualification: MSW, Two Year Diploma Course in Human Rights Email:fahimmsw@gmail.com |
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Dr Rishamjot Kaur Medico Legal Research Consultant Educational Qualification: M.H.Sc-PH, PG Diploma in Child Rights Law,B.D.S Email:rishamjot@gmail.com |
CCP facilitated a dialogue on CoVID-19 and vulnerability of Children with special focus on child labour on 12th June, 2020 at CCP Office, Satellite Campus of SPUP, Rajasthan Police Academy, Jaipur. Dr. R.K. Arora, OSD- GCCT, SPUP, opened the session and welcomed the participants by highlighting the issues that have caused with children during the lockdown. Dr. Rajiv Gupta, Senior Consultant-CCP, threw light on the vulnerability of children with regard to the pandemic in the current time and the measures to reduce the same. He also brought attention to the fact that children are becoming much more prone to the online child sexual abuse due to increasing online activities during the time of nationwide lockdown. Ms. Sharda Singh, Program Advisor- Freedom Fund, shared with the attendees, the status of child labour in India and about the ‘Child Labour Free Jaipur Campaign’. The living and economic conditions of the migrant workers were discussed along with the remedial measures that are being taken to their rescue. Mr. Bimal Kumar, Consultant- CCP, summed up the session by drawing attention towards the media briefing concerning the hardships being faced by the children belonging to the economically weaker section.
2.Covid-19 and CCP’s Intervention
CCP has been an active part of the trainings/ orientation workshops being conducted for the NCC cadets in Jaipur and Udaipur division. These trainings are conducted over video conferencing with over 250 participants. Three such trainings have been conducted in April-May, 2020. Dr. Rajiv Gupta, Senior Consultant-CCP represented the institution as a resource person highlighting the challenges caused for children due to the spread of CoVID-19and the responsibilities of various stakeholders involved. Shri Sanjay Nirala, Child Protection Specialist- UNICEF, Jaipur, highlighted the concepts of Child Protection, various issues and systems in place. Ms. Sonal Kapoor, Founder Director- Protsahan, New Delhi gave essential insights on mental health and psycho social care and support during the Coronavirus pandemic. Col. Vinod, Commander NCC, threw light on the role of NCC cadets as ‘COVID warriors’ in supporting Police. Ms. Sharmila Ray, Child Protection Officer- UNICEF, Jaipur and Ms. Sindhu Binujeeth, Child Protection Consultant-UNICEF, moderated the sessions and shared the important aspects pertaining to Child Protection and Child Safety.
3.Awareness briefing on Covid-19
As Covid-19 was declared pandemic, an awareness briefing was done by Shri R.K. Arora, OSD-GCCT on the outbreak, prevention and measures to mitigate its effects, at the Satellite Campus of SPUP, Rajasthan Police Academy, Jaipur, on 12th March, 2020. He sensitized the staffs of the Centre for Child Protection, Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies and Centre for Road Safety on how hygiene and distancing at workplace has to be maintained.
4.Training of CLG Members at RPA, Jaipur on 24th November, 2019
CCP organised a one-day meeting with the CLG members for their awareness generation and capacity building on Child Protection Issues on 24th November, 2019. The roles and responsibilities of the CLG members and challenges faced were discussed. The interaction was also based on the workable solutions in matters pertaining to the protection of children.
5.Celebration of children’s week (14th-20th November, 2019)
CCP celebrated Children’s week in different institutions. Different programs were organised on 14th Nov., one of which was a debate competition. It was organised in Kanoria Girls PG College wherein 200-250 girls participated. The theme of the debate was ‘Baal Sanrakshan kiski Zimmedari- Rajya ya Samaj’. In another program of the day, an interactive session was organised on ‘child protection and role of police’ at RPA, Jaipur. Mr. Sanjay Nirala, Child Protection Specialist- UNICEF had an interaction with the participants and issues concerning the protection of children in the current scenario were discussed. In the evening, CCP team visited TAABAR Society for celebration. The children performed a play on importance of childhood and the impact of child labour on children’s lives. Interactive sessions on Child Rights were also organised at St. Wilfred’s college on 17th Nov. and at Bhawani Niketan Girls PG College, Jaipur on 18th Nov. along with poster painting competition. Both events coordinated by CCP, witnessed participation of large number of students. On 20th Nov. International Children’s day was celebrating at the centre. About 30 children from a local NGO were invited with whom Shri Hemant Priyadarshi (IPS), Director RPA, had an interaction about the importance of the day and basic rights of children. Play was also organised wherein, they took over the centre and played the role of CCP staff members.
6.Capacity Building Program in Dhaulpur from 17th to 19th Nov. 2019
Three days training and capacity building program was organised at Dhaulpur for Child Welfare Police Officers (SJPUs), Special Juvenile Police Units (SJPUs), Anti-Human Trafficking Units (AHTUs) and Special Public Prosecutors. The rationale of the training was to orient and sensitise the participants about issues related to safety and protection of children. The sessions in the training covered important aspects such as POCSO Act, JJ Act, child psychology and development, etc. The role of police and channel of referring the child were also discussed. Shri Mridul Kachawa, SP Dholpur interacted with training participants and making them aware about their roles and responsibilities, especially in case of children. The resource persons of the training program were Shri Dheeraj Verma, Trainer- RPA, Ms. Pradnya Deshpande, Child Psychologist, and the members of CCP team. Mr. Shakti Singh, Member Secretary, Dhaulpur educated the participants about Victim Compensation Scheme and role of Legal Service Authorities.
7.Advisory Council Meeting on 11th November, 2019
The Centre for Child Protection (CCP), Sardar Patel University of Police, Security and Criminal Justice (SPUP) organized its second ‘Advisory Council Meeting’ on 11th November 2019, Monday at 11.30 AM in the conference hall of Police Head Quarter, Jaipur, Rajasthan. The meeting of advisory council was chaired by Sri Rajeev Sharma, (IPS), Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) and Director of CCP-SPUP. Dr. Bhupendra Singh (IPS), Director General of Police, Rajasthan, Smt. Sangeeta Beniwal, Chairperson, Rajasthan State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (RSCPCR), Jaipur and Ms. Isabelle Bardem, Chief, UNICEF Rajasthan, Jaipur graced the meeting by their presence as special guest.
8.Session on Gandhi Jayanti (02nd October, 2019)
A brief session was organised at the Satellite Campus of SPUP on the occasion of 150th anniversary of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. Dr. Rajiv Gupta, Senior Consultant- Academics, CCP, threw light on life of Gandhi and his commendable contribution to the country. All the staffs of Centre for Child Protection and Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies gathered and attended the lecture and some of them shared their thoughts on the impact of Gandhian era in today’s time.
9.सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल की 144 वी जयंती
आज देश के पहले ग्रहमंत्री सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल की 144 वी जयंती है. सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल ने 565
रियासतों का विलय कर भारत को एक राष्ट्र बनाया था. यही कारण है कि वल्लभ भाई पटेल की जयंती के मौके पर राष्
ट्रीय एकता दिवस मनाया जाता है इसी परि्रेक्ष्य में आज SPUP Campus में सरदार पटेल की जीवनी पर एक लघु सत्र (short session) आयोजित किया गया ।
10.Training of Labour Officers
The purpose of the training was to build the capacity of in-service labour Inspectors and other concerned officials on developing strategies to be involved in District Child.
Labour Task Force, ensure entitled compensations to rescued children and take preventive measures. The sessions were focussed on discussing the issues of child labour and the challenges faced by the Labour Department dealing with cases of Child Labour. The legal framework was also addressed. The key resource persons for the programme were Dr. Helen Sekar, Dr. Onkar Sharma, Dy. Chief Labour Commissioner and Shri Pradeep Kumar Jha, Joint Labour Commissioner.

11. Capacity building program at Churu from 17th to 20th September, 2019
A training cum capacity building programme on ‘Child Friendly Policing’ was organised for Child Welfare Police Officers, Officials from Anti-Human Trafficking Unit, Special Public Prosecutors, SHOs and CLG members from 17th to 20th September 2019 at Churu, Rajasthan. The participants were trained on critical issues pertaining to Child Protection, such as Child Psychology, different Laws related to Child Protection, Issues of Child Protection like Child Marriage & Child Labour, etc. The objective of the training was to sensitize the stakeholders concerned with the protection of children in the said regard.

12. Capacity building program at Jaisalmer from 03th to 06th Sept. 2019
A training cum capacity building programme on ‘Child Friendly Policing’ was organised for Child Welfare Police Officers, Officials from Anti-Human Trafficking Unit, Special Public Prosecutors, SHOs and CLG members from 03rd to 06th September 2019. The sessions were taken on child Development & Psychology, Child Protection Laws, Framework for Protection of Children: UNCRC &Constitutional Provisions, Principles of JJ Act 2015, Child Sexual Abuse, POCSO Act 2012, Child Marriage and Child Labour, etc. The key resource persons for the sessions were Ms. Pradnya Deshpande, Member Secretary-DLSA, Consultant- UNICEF and Mr. Dheeraj Verma.

13. Consultation on Conviction of Traffickers/ Employers in Cases of Child Labour on 01st September 2019
The programme was conducted with the objective to acquaint the judges on the situations and challenges in the conviction of child labour, discuss the salient features of Rajasthan Victim Compensation Scheme & Central Sector Scheme for rehabilitation & DLSA and to ensure Child-Friendly Legal Services to children and their safety measures in the court room. The programme saw a participation of 70 members, in all, of the judiciary. An overview of the ‘Child Labour Free Jaipur’ project was given by Shri Ravi Prakash from Freedom Fund. Shri Mahendra Dave, ADJ, Udaipur and Shri Madhu Sudan Mishra, ADJ Jaipur, spoke about issues related to child labour, current scenario and preventive strategies. He threw light upon these issues in the legal perspective, legal proceedings in cases of child labour. Senior Psychologist Ms. Pradnya Deshpande discussed with the participants about understanding the situation of children in the legal proceedings and ideal behaviour to be adopted by the entities involved in dealing with them. An experiential sharing of child labour cases was facilitated by Ms. Tushika from Prayas, Jaipur. An open discussion was also held with the representatives of concerned Government Departments to share their experiences and issues of child labour cases.

14. Training and Orientation on the Safe School Programme
A one-day training on ‘Safe School Programme was conducted on 09th August 2019 at Rajasthan Police Academy, Jaipur. The programme witnessed the participation of over 100 trainees who were Police personnel in different capacities, NSS, UNICEF and Rubaroo, Gujrat. The rationale of the training was to sensitise the police personnel about various aspects of safe schooling and to educate them about their roles based on the training module which has been developed for the said purpose. Child Psychologist Mr. Deepak Teraiya took a session on ‘Child Development & Child Psychology’ and acquainted the participants with the practical aspects of dealing with children of all age groups. Mr. Dheeraj Verma, Trainer- RPA, threw light on the behavioural aspects of Police in the implementation of the Safe School Programme. Ms. Neha Swain from Rubaroo, took a session on module introduction wherein she explained how the module has to be brought in practise in a practical and effective manner.

15. Consultation with Lawyers on Conviction of Traffickers/ Employers in Cases of Child Labour
The consultation was organised on 26th July 2019, to orient the lawyers regarding situations and challenges in the conviction of child labour. It was also to discuss the salient features of Rajasthan Victim Compensation Scheme and Central Sector Scheme for Rehabilitation of Bonded Laborers, 2016. The discussion was facilitated to ensure the child-friendly legal services to children and safety measures for them. The NGOs like Prayas and TAABAR discussed the life history of child labour cases, the investigation approach, case progression, various challenges faced and rehabilitation. In other sessions, role of SALSA in training lawyers on child labour laws and other key legal provisions were discussed. An open discussion on challenges faced by the lawyers in legal proceedings of child labour cases. The Hon’ble Secretary-DLSA gave enlightening insights on the issue.

16. Training of AHTUs & SJPUs on Ensuring Prosecution & Conviction of Traffickers/ Employers Held at Patna on 16th & 17th July
A two-day training was held at Patna on 16th and 17th July 2019, for orienting the participants about due procedures on different laws and complying with child friendly procedures during entire judicial and legal process. The focus was laid on to develop an understanding on writing strong FIRs, and charge sheets particularly in the cases related to protection of children. One of the key objectives of the training was to develop coordination between two states viz. Rajasthan and Bihar to combat child labour. The sessions were largely on the concept of child protection, legal aspects of child protection issues, child trafficking & related model practices. Strategies to strengthen coordination between Rajasthan and Bihar were also discussed. An open panel discussion was also facilitated wherein the participants shared their experiences and probable future outcomes. The key resource persons in the event were IG- Weaker Section, Bihar, Mr. Dheeraj Verma, Trainer-RPA Jaipur, ADG-CID Bihar, SP- Weaker Section, Bihar, Mr. Suresh, HLN, Mr. K.D. Mishra, Ex-JJB Member, Senior Advocate, Bihar, Mr. Subir Roy, Ex-Member- Shakti Vahini and Mr. Ravi Prakash from Freedom Fund.

17. 02 Days Training Programme for Counsellors, Superintendents & Case Workers
A two-day training programme was organised for the counsellors, superintendents and case workers of shelter homes of Jaipur on 23rd and 24th April. The objective of the training programme was to adhere to the provisions of JJ model rules i.e. provision for shelter to provide proper nutrition, healthcare, sanitation, hygiene, safe drinking water, education and recreational facilities and protection against abuse and exploitation, enrolments in schools, vocational training, placement, health services, reducing drug & substance abuse and HIV/AIDS. It was also stressed upon that efforts need to be made to rehabilitate, repatriate the children in need of care and protection through proper counselling, case management and documentation. The programme witnessed participation of more than 30 representatives.

18. Exposure visit of Girls to Rajasthan Intelligence Training Academy, Jaipur
An exposure visit to Rajasthan Intelligence Training Academy was facilitated by CCP to SRKPS. SRKPS in collaboration with Plan India is implementing a project called “Safer Cities” in Jaipur in order to enable safe environment for women and girls, the aim of which is to ensure safety of women at all public spaces and in the public transport. This is because women often face sexual harassment and violence in the public spaces. In this context, two exposure visits were organised for 30-35 girls on 25th May and 17th June, 2018.

19. Four-day International Training Program from 03rd – 6th June, 2019
CCP in collaboration with ICMEC, in coordination with GCCT and partnership with Rajasthan Police Academy, organised a four days international training programme on “Online Child Sexual Exploitation Investigations” from 03rd to 06th June, 2019 at Conference hall of Rajasthan Police Academy, Jaipur. This course was designed for Investigating officers, child protection functionaries of Rajasthan, including Special Juvenile Police Units, Anti-Human Trafficking Units, cyber cell of Rajasthan Police and faculty of SPUP. The resource persons of the event were from ICMEC, Google, Queensland Police Service, Australia, Louisiana State Police, Canadian Law Enforcement Agency, Felony Division- Leon County State, Jordanian National Police, Kerala Police, Karnataka Police, etc., to name a few. The event witnessed participation of 90 representatives from target groups.

20. Training Programme in Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan from 18th to 21st June, 2019
Training of SJPUs, CWPOs, AHTU Officials, SHOs and CLG members was organised from 18th to 21st June 2019, in Sawai Madhopur district. Sessions in the training covered subjects such as child development & child psychology, principles of JJ Act & its implementation, practical session on preparation of social background report, status of child protection and need for community participation, etc. The sessions were taken by Mr. Umesh Ojha, Add. SP Sawai Madhopur, Ms. Pradnya Deshpande, Child Psychologist, Mr. Jawed Ansari, UNICEF Rajasthan, Mr. Sameer Kr. Singh, SP Sawai Madhopur and Mr. Dheeraj Verma, Trainer- RPA Jaipur.

21. Training Programme in Chittorgarh, Rajasthan from 27th to 30th June, 2019
Training of SJPUs, CWPOs, AHTU Officials, SHOs and CLG members was organised from 27th to 30th June 2019, in Chittorgarh district. The trainees were trained on critical issues concerning children such as child rights, UNCRC & constitutional provisions, interactive session on the Child Friendly Policing of Dungarpur Police, child protection & related laws, to name a few. The resource persons of the sessions were Additional SP- Chittorgarh, Member Secretary- DLSA, Ms. Sindhu Binujeeth, Consultant- UNICEF, Pradnya Deshpande, Child Psychologist, Mr. Jawed Ansari, Consultant- UNICEF, SP Office team, etc

22. Commencement of Certificate Course in Child Protection
CCP in collaboration with SPUP and UNICEF conducted two days contact classes of Certificate Course in Child Protection at Intelligence Training Academy, Jaipur on 15th & 16th June, 2019. The classes began with a brief round of introduction, facilitated by CCP team. The lectures were taken by Shri Radhakant Saxena, Rtd. IGP- Prisons, Mr. Anshuman Saxena, Advocate- Rajasthan High Court, Ms. Pradnya Deshpande, Child Psychologist & Social Activist, Mr. Jawed Ansari, Consultant-UNICEF, Ms. Sandeep Kumar, Assistant Director- Social Welfare Department and Dr. Rajeev Gupta, Retd. HoD-Sociology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. The classes were taken on concept & framework of human rights, Indian Constitution, UNCRC & other international conventions, child rights & their redressal, types & situation of special children and issues concerning displacement.

23. New Year Celebration
Team CCP, Jaipur celebrated New years’ day on 01st January, 2019 with the children in Government run children’s home at Sethi Colony, Jaipur. There were 40 children who were in need of care and protection and 59 of those who were in conflict with law. Cake cutting was done, story books & educational books were distributed to the children along with board games. The team had also organized some activities with the children like singing competition, storytelling, enactment, etc. The children performed voluntarily and were quite excited.
24. 03 Day Training Programme for SJPUs, AHTUs & SPPs
Centre for Child Protection conducted a range level training programme (28th Feb-01st March, 2019) for Special Juvenile Police Units, Anti Human Trafficking Units and Special Public Prosecutors on ‘Child Protection’ witnessing participation of 47 trainees from different districts of Rajasthan. On the last day, Shri Sunil Dutt (IPS), ADGP-Anti Human Trafficking and Shri R.K. Arora (DIG-BSF), Co-ordinator: Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies, distributed the certificates to the candidates who had successfully completed the Certificate course in child protection from Centre for Child Protection (SPUP), Jaipur and to the training participants. The ceremony was followed by unveiling of a pictorial handbook on child sexual abuse published by the centre, titled “Surakshit Bachpan”.

25. 02 Day Training Programme on Child Labour
Two-day in-house training programme was organized by the Centre for Child Protection (14th-15th March, 2019) for AHTUs , SJPUs, GRPs, & CWPOs on Prevention Rescue, Investigation, Rehabilitation of Child Labour & Trafficking Cases. The programme was inaugurated by Shri Nishkam Diwakar, Director, DCR. Participants were trained on various issues concerning child labour and strategies to make Jaipur child labour free.

26. Training sessions at Rajasthan Police Academy, Jaipur
As part of the advocacy drive, the Consultants from the centre, Ms. Sharda Singh, Ms. Aditi Vyas, Mr. Praveen Singh and Mr. Vijender Singh have been training the officials from Anti Human Trafficking Units, Special Juvenile Police Units, Public Prosecutors and Child Welfare Police Officers among others in various training programmes at Rajasthan Police Academy, Jaipur and generating awareness on the issues related to children.

27.Centre for Child Protection, Inaugurated on 6th May,2015 by Shri Manoj Bhatt, Hon'ble Director General of Police, Rajasthan
Centre for Child Protection (CCP), Sardar Patel University of Police, Security & Criminal Justice (SPUP), is inviting applications for admission in the ‘Certificate /Diploma Course in Child and Adolescent Counselling’. This programme will operate on the mode of ‘Walkout Procedure’. Thus, following curriculum scheme will be followed:
•06 months for Certificate Course (One semester of six months).
•01 year for Diploma Course (Two semesters - each semester of six months).
If any participant wishes to leave the course after completion of six months, then a Certificate in ‘Child and Adolescent Counselling’ will be awarded to him/her provided he/she successfully passes the examination. Participant who completes one year course will be eligible for the award of Diploma in ‘Child and Adolescent Counselling’ after successfully passing the examination. After the completion of this programme, the learner will be able to understand the nature and personality of children of different categories and the complexity of childhood. Learner will understand the problems and issues which a child faces in this complex world. The learner will acquire those skills by which a child/adolescent counselling could take place effectively. The content structure of the course will encourage learner to have effective and emotional interface with children. Such interface will provide opportunities and spaces through which learner could help children for entering into resocialization process so that they could get functional spacein the society. This programme also provides proper understanding about those legal mechanisms by which crisis faced by children, could be addressed. It also helps to understand the appropriate rehabilitation processes and mechanism for children who need psychosocial support. This course is planned as per CCP’s objective to run the mainstream courses on the issues which are impactingthe lives of children with focus on child protection. The number of participants will be decided as per the demand for the course, but the number of participants in one batch will not be more than 50. This course will be run in distance mode, in which contact classes and orientation of participants will take place.
For more details please contact with Course Coordinator Mr. Praveen Singh, Faculty – Academics & Capacity Building, Centre for Child Protection, Sardar Patel University of Police, Security and Criminal Justice, Jaipur. Email Id: ccp-academics@policeuniversity.ac.in ; Phone No. 7073252901.
Centre for Child Protection is running a 6 month Certificate Course in Child Protection. The primary target group of this course will be members of State Juvenile Police Unit (SJPU), Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) members, Anti – human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) members, Child Welfare Committee (CWC) members, Childline, Care Home Supervisor/ Superintendent, employees of the Non –Governmental Organisations/Government Organizations working on the issue of child protection and child rights and, also interested students who have passed their intermediate examinations. The course is planned as per CCP’s objective of running and mainstreaming courses on issues impacting life of children with focus on child protection. The number of participants will be decided as per the demand for course, but the number of participants in one batch will not be more than 50. The course will be run in distance mode with contact phases taking place with participants every other month.