MoU of SPUP with CAPSI
Sardar Patel University of Police,Security and Criminal Justice,Jodhpur(SPUP) and Central Association of Private Security Industry (CAPSI) have signed a MoU between them at CAPSI Headquarters, Delhi.The MoU seeks to establish collaborative relation between the two institutions in the field of academics and research.They will collaborate and co operate in framing the syllabus of degrees,diplomas and cerificate courses as per the private security industry requirements.They will also jointly work for the internship and placement of students. As a first step in this endeavour, SPUP and CAPSI have framed the syllabus for BA in Security Management and launched the couse which will start from July.This course will be a launch pad for aspiring students who are willing to work in supervisory and managerial positions in the private security industry.